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What Does Your Desk Say About You?

“Your desk is some kind of protection – both symbolic and actually physical,” says design critic Alice Twemlow in this sweet little video about the role of desks in our lives.

And she’s right. Whether your desk is messy(like Einstein’s was), neat, sleek or shabby chic, it’s often the best protection you have in the event of an earthquake. (You do know how to Drop, Cover, Hold On, right?)

As they point out in the film, your desk also says a lot about the way you operate. For example, I have a safety tube and a bunch of emergency granola bars in one drawer, and a big case of water bottles sitting on the floor underneath. Not surprising (and not uncommon) for a Red Crosser’s desk.

What does your desk say about you? (Please tell me you at least have a safety tube…)

Desk – Music and Sound Design from Aaron Trinder Film:Motion:Music on Vimeo.

Desk – Music and Sound Design from Aaron Trinder Film:Motion:Music on Vimeo.

Originally posted by Robin Parker on Oregon’s Cross Blog