Visiting five military installations in three Western states in just five days was an inspiring, informative and exhausting experience. I was part of a group of 38 people taking part …

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies five military installations in three Western states in just five days was an inspiring, informative and exhausting experience. I was part of a group of 38 people taking part …
Stuff we’ve found while looking around the internet. Some of it is Red Cross related, some of it isn’t.
I should start by saying I’m a sucker for little old ladies. As a kid, my sister and I would visit a local nursing home a few times a month as part of a school youth group. One lady, always clad in a neon orange knitted beanie, would spend hours talking to us, her face lighting up at our every visit.
According to, the potential exists for widespread damaging winds from parts of southern New England to Indiana.
This is a collection of stuff we’ve seen on the internet. Some of it Red Cross related, some of it not. You are just like a fish in the water …
Last week I shared with you how my five-year-old son, Will, learned what to do in a bleeding emergency by “playing” with the American Red Cross First Aid app.
My sweet son, Will, who was bringing pieces of gum to my sister and me, pulled the backdoor shut behind him and managed to get two of his fingers stuck between the door and the jam.
From the minute I woke up to the news report of the theatre shooting in Aurora on my alarm clock radio Friday my heart was aching
The shootings that happened in Aurora, Colorado were horrific. This event left our staff and volunteers feeling the same as many across the United States. We ask ourselves, “How can …
It’s not everyday that we get to make jokes about Mother Nature’s creation. But now that we know that Hurricane Fabio will not make a significant landfall. We will allow …