If you’re reading Oregon’s Cross Blog, you might already know about Kathy Ryan, a runner who collapsed during Hood to Coast, the state’s most famous relay race. The team that saved Kathy’s life was honored at the Oregon Trail Chapter’s Breakfast of Champions and I let drop that there was a film in the works that would include her story and a CPR class taught to her team of runners by our very own Francisco Ianni.
Hood To Coast Movie – Red Cross CPR from HoodToCoastMovie on Vimeo.
While you can’t see the full film quite yet, here in Portland, we’re looking forward to a team movie night on 1-1-11, when it will be theaters nationwide for one night only. Wouldn’t it be cool if every Red Cross chapter went out that night to support the film and its life-saving message? Francisco would be so proud…
Hood To Coast Movie – Red Cross CPR from HoodToCoastMovie on Vimeo.