Sunday, August 19th – the anniversary of the 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq – is World Humanitarian Day.

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies, August 19th – the anniversary of the 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq – is World Humanitarian Day.
I live in College Station, Texas, and my husband works for Texas A&M University.
Since then I’ve regularly searched Etsy for unique Red Cross-themed items with the intention of once again sharing my favorites with you.
It takes years for a city to prepare to host the Olympic Games. After careful evaluation of existing facilities and services, old venues are upgraded, new venues are built, transportation services are expanded, hotels and restaurants are spruced up, and entire cities are given a good “spring cleaning”. All of this is important to the success of the Games, but equally important are the preparedness and response plans designed to keep athletes and spectators safe.
Last week I shared with you how my five-year-old son, Will, learned what to do in a bleeding emergency by “playing” with the American Red Cross First Aid app.
My sweet son, Will, who was bringing pieces of gum to my sister and me, pulled the backdoor shut behind him and managed to get two of his fingers stuck between the door and the jam.
For those of you who might still be on the fence about whether or not you need the first aid app in your arsenal of apps, let me break it (what the app offers) down for you.
On the 4th of July I’ve always stuck to sparklers and snap pops, leaving the more dangerous – albeit admittedly more exciting – fireworks to first my dad, then my friends, and now the professionals.
This summer, and in honor of our country’s birthday, please consider helping a fellow American in need of a blood transfusion reach their next birthday by making an appointment to donate blood today.
But swimming lessons, while not as exhilarating as a shiny two-wheeler or flashy as a laptop computer, were arguably one of the most valuable gifts my parents ever gave me.