Earlier in the year, due to a series of events I don’t quite understand, I adopted a street dog while on vacation in Puerto Rico.

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies https://royalreelspokies.live/Earlier in the year, due to a series of events I don’t quite understand, I adopted a street dog while on vacation in Puerto Rico.
Starting with three shots a week, the treatment continued for more than ten years. It literally took thousands of blood donors to support this treatment. But it worked. Today, other than the occasional flu, Joe is a healthy father of four. And yes, he donates whole blood as often as he can.
Before long, I qualified as WSI. All due to the American Red Cross!
I wanted to help so got in line,
This guest post was contributed by the author to Writers for the Red Cross. Writers for the Red Cross is a month-long celebration that brings writers, readers, editors, literary agents and independent bookstores together to raise funds and awareness for the Red Cross during Red Cross Month.
What’s striking about the Red Cross is the organization’s ability to offer emotional support so soon after a disaster occurs.
My image of the Red Cross is very bound up in the summer I was nine and working steadily through the children’s biographies in the Westfield, New Jersey Public Library. I was partial to famous women and picked Clara Barton, along with Joan of Arc and Helen Keller.
When students inevitably asked me about the bandage on my arm, I passed out articles about the myriad of ways average old blood like mine has saved other people’s lives during surgeries, transfusions, and life threatening diseases.
The Red Cross is the feeling I can do something for those people who could have been me, who are, however remote, somehow my family.
A few months after I graduated college, my hometown paper hired me to cover the news.