This is a post by Wendy Brightman, who is a volunteer from Alaska spending four weeks in Bangladesh helping with cash transfer programming after severe flooding left millions displaced and …
Author: Niki Clark
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I totally sign up for the mantra “I love New York.” The bright lights, the energy, the smells and sounds, all mixed into a constant hum. I especially love taking …
From the Classroom to the Congo
As a student of international affairs, I have studied global atrocities on a daily basis for years, reading books, writing essays, and attending class lectures about poverty, disease, environmental degradation, war, and the human suffering that emerges from these circumstances. But when I heard Jimmie Briggs speak at the American Cross, I saw these realities in a whole different light. I felt them.
Little Old Ladies in Bangladesh
I should start by saying I’m a sucker for little old ladies. As a kid, my sister and I would visit a local nursing home a few times a month as part of a school youth group. One lady, always clad in a neon orange knitted beanie, would spend hours talking to us, her face lighting up at our every visit.