Big Quakes Signal Change to Earth’s Crust [NPR] Automatic building mapping could help emergency responders [MIT] Like my earrings? [Melissa Hinton] Error happened.

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies Quakes Signal Change to Earth’s Crust [NPR] Automatic building mapping could help emergency responders [MIT] Like my earrings? [Melissa Hinton] Error happened.
Yesterday, we held the Day of Remembrance Blood Drive in Fenway Park. Our CEO, Gail McGovern, blogged about it here. All across the country, people walked in to blood drive …
Gail McGovern, president and CEO of the American Red Cross (second from right), visits with the Heidcamp family at the 11th Day of Remembrance Blood Drive at Fenway Park in …
Curiosity, Umbrellas, calling us, maybe, and scary swimming pools.
Cute stares, data visualizations, fire tornadoes, first aid apps, and giving blood in this edition of “What We’re Reading”
Except when you’re giving blood. We need you to donate this week.
This summer, and in honor of our country’s birthday, please consider helping a fellow American in need of a blood transfusion reach their next birthday by making an appointment to donate blood today.
We found a great post about why one particular donor gives blood.
Last Sunday’s New York Times featured an article called 32 Innovations that Will Change Your Tomorrow. As I read through the mind-boggling new features coming our way, I couldn’t help …
Here’s your neat fact of the day: a person can give blood in less time than a 20-lap segment of the NASCAR All-Star Race.