How will you actively give thanks this week? Will you put your Red Cross training into action by teaching a CPR class or responding to a house fire? Will you donate blood, assemble Comfort Kits, or serve a meal to someone in need?

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies will you actively give thanks this week? Will you put your Red Cross training into action by teaching a CPR class or responding to a house fire? Will you donate blood, assemble Comfort Kits, or serve a meal to someone in need?
Incidentally my very first blood donation, when I was 17-years-old and in high school, was motivated primarily by my desire to learn my blood type.
One of my favorite Red Cross programs – Blood Battle – kicks off this week, and its arrival got me thinking about how I’d like to share some of these programs with you via this blog.
Emergency pizza, zombies, superheroes, Keebler cookies, and kisses.
Can I exercise after donating blood?
A faceless, nameless person saved my son’s life yesterday.
Hints from Heloise, Volunteering will make you live longer, Small talk saves lives, and more.
At age 98, the nation’s oldest American Red Cross blood donor plans his next donation for Thursday, September 22, 2011 In the last 100 years, the world has seen a …
Looking for blood donor friends on Twitter? Follow Josh, Elena, Colin, Mike, and William for starters.
Dreams of being a superhero. What are your dreams?