In late October, Cody Lucas and his family experienced a devastating home fire. He recalls the moments of that night that changed his life. “We were all in the house. …
Topics: Disaster
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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies Cross Volunteers Offer Support for Older Adults through ‘Dial-A-Friend’ Program
James Ravenel, an American Red Cross Central Florida region volunteer, hunkered down while Hurricane Ian made landfall, and then went right back to work at the Red Cross office in …
Red Cross Mental Health Volunteer Helps Hurricane Ian Survivors Cope
“We work as a team, and everyone jumps in to help.” From Michigan to Florida, Red Cross volunteer Kimberly McKenzie traveled on her third deployment to help people affected by …
Hurricane Ian: 10-Year-Old Olivia Celebrates Her Birthday in a Red Cross Shelter
It was a quiet morning for the Pullen–Fazchas family of four — mom Shelby, dad Frank, and daughters Olivia and Emily — staying at the Red Cross shelter in St. …
90 Years Strong and Still Serving
Norma Smith vividly remembers the last time she saw her brother. She was nine; he was a 20-year-old heading overseas to serve as a bombardier and navigator in the Air …
Oak Fire Response: Stories & Reflections of the People Impacted
For more than two weeks, American Red Cross disaster workers have been working around the clock with local response officials to help people affected by the Oak Fire in Mariposa …
Five Preparedness Tips for People with Disabilities
Preparing for emergencies can look a little different for people who have or are caring for those with visible or non-visible disabilities. If you’re looking for tips on how you …
Oak Fire Response: How One 10-Year-Old is Making a Difference
Meet Taylor, the youngest helper at an American Red Cross shelter located in Mariposa, California. This ten-year-old from Oregon was in Mariposa County visiting her grandparents when they were evacuated …
How a Red Cross Experience Led Debbie Consolver to Volunteering
A year after retiring from the St. Joseph, Missouri School District, I felt like I needed something to do. I really wanted to help people and remembered how the Red …
Care That Goes Beyond Words
In Fall 2017, when disaster hit Puerto Rico in the form of Hurricane Maria, Diana Torres-Calderon knew she had to do something to help. She had grown up spending summers …