Stuff we’ve found while looking around the internet. Some of it is Red Cross related, some of it isn’t.

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies we’ve found while looking around the internet. Some of it is Red Cross related, some of it isn’t.
According to, the potential exists for widespread damaging winds from parts of southern New England to Indiana.
This is a collection of stuff we’ve seen on the internet. Some of it Red Cross related, some of it not. You are just like a fish in the water …
From the minute I woke up to the news report of the theatre shooting in Aurora on my alarm clock radio Friday my heart was aching
Cute stares, data visualizations, fire tornadoes, first aid apps, and giving blood in this edition of “What We’re Reading”
As your family sits around the television in the living room, you hear a thunderous boom. With quizzical looks upon your children’s faces, you and your husband exchange glances and …
Cheyenne Mountain High School Shelter, Colorado Springs, CO We’re busy monitoring wildfires, flooding, tornado threats, and Tropical Storm Debby this week! If you are in any affected areas, please stay …
Last Sunday’s New York Times featured an article called 32 Innovations that Will Change Your Tomorrow. As I read through the mind-boggling new features coming our way, I couldn’t help …
The 2012 Atlantic Hurricane Season officially begins on June 1st.
Disaster supplies and myths in this edition.