Follow the quakes, a true first aid story, expectations, and a song.

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies the quakes, a true first aid story, expectations, and a song.
On New Year’s Eve, tornadoes touched down in areas of Mississippi and Arkansas, wreaking havoc and ushering in the new year with destroyed houses and lost lives. One resident of Attala County, MS escaped with her life thanks to her bed mattress.
The highlights of my year come in 2 kinds of categories. The first is personal and the second is Red Cross related.
Today marks the first official day of winter, the shortest day and longest night of the year. Whether you like snow or not, there’s a lot of it in the …
Fried gnocchi, 2010’s most powerful tweets, Florida is cold today, w00t!
Wildfire in Israel, Hope!, Mariachi instruments on fire, superheroes, and more.
Helping the troops, marveling at the strange hurricane season of 2010, HIV quiz, and songs about wind and storms.
Heroic cats, a sandwich in a can, giving data, texting, and a song.
Disaster management expert Nate Cooper is in Saint Lucia to assess damage from recent floods. He took a moment today to update us on his work from the national Red Cross headquarters in the city of Castries.
Last Tuesday night my apartment building in downtown DC had a 3-alarm fire