Today, American Red Cross is launching two new programs in the Reconnection Workshop series that focus on helping children of military families to better manage the challenges associated with growing …

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies, American Red Cross is launching two new programs in the Reconnection Workshop series that focus on helping children of military families to better manage the challenges associated with growing …
Wednesday was an exciting day at the American Red Cross National Headquarters! We had the privilege to host the Launch of the Joining Forces Impact Pledge event, in coordination with …
Tyler, a 15-year-old wrestler, is proof of the difference donated blood and platelets make every day. Here’s how a timely donation helped this high school wrestler get back on the …
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Welcome to the video only edition of “What We’re Reading”- see a round up of some interesting videos we’ve seen about the Red Cross lately.
Looking After the Soldier, Back Home and Damaged [NYTimes]* One Who Cared [YouTube CapeCodcatfarm] What’s in our Go Bags? [The Onion]** Prepare-aphernalia: Video Game Armor [Oregon Trail chapter blog] Infographic: …
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Vice President of Public Relations Laura Howe explains how the Red Cross is getting ready for Hurricane Irene and what you can do to be ready as well. Error happened.