August 19 is World Humanitarian Day — a time to honor those who alleviate suffering and a call to action. No matter how much time I spend in disaster zones around …
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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies the Front Lines: Mobilizing Red Crossers for Louisiana Floods
It’s been a busy week at the Red Cross, and we’re not even close to wrapping up our effort to serve the people of Louisiana. Haven’t heard what’s going on? No …
Are You the Missing Type? Mind Your As, Os and Bs
People may rarely think about their blood type, but the reality is, every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. Here at the Red Cross, we rely on donors of …
Helping People Cope With the Worst Day of Their Lives
Imagine losing your home in a matter of minutes. What would you feel? How would you react? And how could you begin to recover? Listen to Christie Rodgers, senior associate …
How to Deal With the Dog Days of Summer
Drink more water than usual. “Done.” -Pippa Avoid too much direct sunshine. Pippa demos how you might feel, should you not follow this tip. Take frequent breaks if you must …