2016 Update: Thank you for your interest in our Holiday Mail for Heroes program. This year the program has transitioned to Holidays for Heroes, where local Red Cross offices can identify …

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies https://royalreelspokies.live/2016 Update: Thank you for your interest in our Holiday Mail for Heroes program. This year the program has transitioned to Holidays for Heroes, where local Red Cross offices can identify …
Sure, we’re half a world away from home, but that didn’t keep us from spreading holiday cheer here in Afghanistan. Team 28 had the office decorated when we arrived …
The highlights of my year come in 2 kinds of categories. The first is personal and the second is Red Cross related.
High School senior Holley Cunningham turns 18 today. As she has since her ninth birthday, she threw herself a birthday project instead of a party. Because it is her last birthday before going away to college, she added a special element to her annual plan — instill in other teenagers the spirit of giving. Thus, the birth of Leave a Legacy of Service: Give, Love, Serve.
we want to give a big shout-out to the old-style scribes who put pen – and crayon and marker – to paper to boost the Holiday Mail for Heroes effort.
Holiday Mail For Heroes is back for a fourth year! The American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes will collect holiday cards from regular citizens all across the country and distribute them to service members, veterans, and their families.