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Weekly Worldwide Wrap-Up

Welcome to the Weekly Worldwide Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you. It’s a non-comprehensive sampling of the larger and/or more intriguing aspects of our global work…

[The place names link to maps so that you can get a quick idea of the region.]

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: The ICRC has completed a new water supply system bringing some 35,000 people in or near Kitshanga better access to safe drinking water.

SOUTH AFRICA: The ICRC and South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation are hosting the 10th annual regional seminar on international humanitarian law, where experts will discuss displacement and cluster munitions.

GEORGIA: Representatives from all sides met last week under the auspices of the ICRC to clarify the fate of Georgians, Ossetians and Russians missing in connection with the 2008 hostilities.

MYANMAR: Small grants of a few ducks or a few dollars make a big difference for farmers rebuilding their livelihoods after Cyclone Nargis where Myanmar Red Cross Society and IFRC recovery efforts continue.

WEST BANK: The Palestine Red Crescent’s first woman ambulance driver opens the door for other young women.
ICRC = International Committee of the Red Cross
IFRC = International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies