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Penny in a Well Giving Blood to Help a Stranger

I love this post that the South Carolina Federal Credit Union’s blog put up today – they are holding a blood drive at their workplace and interviewed one of the donors about why she gives. Jennifer, a first time donor, told a story about her grandmother.

Here’s the quote:

Today marks the first day of one of my life goals. I will be donating blood to the American Red Cross. This has been a major goal in my life ever since I can remember, due to the fact my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer. There were times when she would have to get blood because of the disease. My Granny and I were always very close, so I determined that I would give blood in her honor early on.

Donating makes me feel closer to her even when miles apart. Although I am a little nervous and it can seem a little scary, I know that in the end I will be helping someone in need. By knowing that the blood I give is being used to save lives, it makes the few minutes of a pinch seem like a penny in a well. When I think about how someone gave a little of themselves to help my grandmother, someone they didn’t know, it helps me to understand the full extent of what giving blood can do. I encourage you to give a little today, because in the long run, it can help someone for life.

Read the rest of the post here.

Thanks for giving blood, Jennifer, and thanks to all the donors out there who find the time to give a little of themselves to help those in need!