Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood — and the American Red Cross works tirelessly to provide 40% of the nation’s blood supply. Each day, we must collect approximately 12,500 blood and nearly 3,000 platelet donations to meet the needs of patients across the country.
During the summer months, vacations and school closures often impact blood drives, and it can be challenging to maintain an adequate supply. To help ensure Red Cross shelves stay stocked with lifesaving blood, our partner Orkin stepped up to host its “Mosquitoes Don’t Deserve a Drop” campaign for the fourth year in a row.

Orkin’s mission through its awareness campaign is to help protect people against the public health threats of mosquitoes — diseases like West Nile virus and Zika — while making sure these pests don’t get a drop of the country’s blood supply.
As part of this year’s campaign, Orkin donated $250,000 to the Red Cross and co-hosted blood drives in five cities across the U.S., resulting in 126 units of blood collected. Since 2020, Orkin has supported the Red Cross through Mosquitoes Don’t Deserve a Drop, and to date, has donated $620,000.
“I’m thrilled to have participated in Orkin’s Mosquitoes Don’t Deserve a Drop campaign with the American Red Cross,” said Commercial Sales Director Dawn Aguayo. “By donating blood I’m able to make a significant difference in helping to save lives.”
We’re honored to partner with Orkin year after year and appreciate their commitment to community health. Thank you for helping us maintain the blood supply each summer!
To learn more about how you can partner with a purpose and support our lifesaving mission, click here.