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Delivering Smiles and Warmth

Linda Quixal Ixcaco is still recovering from the wrath of Hurricane Sandy. During the storm, water rushed into her neighborhood and came up through the floor of her home. Linda and her 14-year-old daughter Daisy waded through knee-deep water to reach the front door and evacuate from their home by boat.

Eleven days later, Linda is still picking up the pieces. Bags of wet clothing sit in her kitchen and her once-carpeted floors are now bare plywood. A serviceman visits to take a look at her washing machine as Linda points out the damage to her home.

Despite the challenges in her day, a brief smile appears on Linda’s face as she accepts two Red Cross blankets to help keep her and her daughter Daisy a bit warmer on this chilly day.

“Thank you so much for the blankets,” said Linda. “We also really appreciate the hot meals that have been delivered. The food deliveries have been a huge help.”
Other residents in the same Moonachie, NJ neighborhood expressed their gratitude as well. Claudia Gil, whose car has not run since it filled with water during the flood, said it’s a godsend to have food delivered.

As community members grabbed a meal, the smiles on their faces showed that the delivery gave them one less worry for the day. Hot lunch and hope – supersized.

story and photo from Julie Daigle