Post by American Red Cross intern, Greta Gustafson
Every four years, we are granted an extra day at the end of February: Leap Day. For many of us, this extra day slips by without us recognizing the potential impact a day’s difference can make. Sure, you may get a few more chores done, but it’s never anything too memorable. Though an extra day may not seem like much to you, it offers the opportunity to engage in an activity that you might not otherwise have time for. And when used properly, that extra day could mean a lifetime of difference to someone in need.
Here are a few ways to make a day’s difference this Leap Day:
1. Give Blood
The need for blood is constant. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Did you know that you can help save up to three lives by donating just one unit of blood? And it won’t even take the full day, so you can still finish those extra chores that have been on your to-do list. Find more information or make an appointment on

2. Practice Your Fire Escape Plan
Home fires are the most common disaster that the Red Cross responds to. Fire experts agree that you may have as little as two minutes to escape a burning home before it’s too late to get out. Use this extra day to practice your home fire drill to make sure your family stays safe. If you don’t have a home fire escape plan, make one with this grid.

3. Volunteer
With the Red Cross being made up of 90 percent volunteers, there are so many ways to get involved in your community. From installing smoke alarms to helping out at a blood drive or in times of disaster, there is a place for everyone. Find yours on

This Leap Day doesn’t have to be just another Monday. Make it count by helping out your family and those in your community.