As a former Red Cross certified lifeguard and CPR instructor, Justin Everett is no stranger to the importance of health and safety training. Recently he sent us a note, explaining how his training took on a more personal significance.
“About 11 months ago, my newborn daughter developed a muscular issue in her esophagus that caused her muscles to seize up and her to choke, usually around 6-7 times a day. She is a twin; her and her brother were born under 5lbs. When she was one month old, we could not get her airway open after a choking episode and I was forced to perform CPR until medics arrived. Her NICU doctors told me later that this saved her life. I never thought I would have to use my CPR training, especially on my own 6lb infant daughter.”
His Pledge to Encourage CPR Training

In honor of her first birthday, Justin has made a permanent pledge to encourage that everyone should learn CPR. He said, “I’ve never been one for tattoos, but I thought I’d make an exception for this cause.”
If you are interested in learning more, please visit RedCross.org for information on Red Cross training or to sign up for a class.