My sincerest thanks to all of our veterans, and happy Veterans Day.

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies sincerest thanks to all of our veterans, and happy Veterans Day.
One of my favorite Red Cross programs – Blood Battle – kicks off this week, and its arrival got me thinking about how I’d like to share some of these programs with you via this blog.
Halloween is only a week away, so my guess is you’ve already figured out your costume. But if time has gotten away from you this fall and you still don’t know what you’ll dress up as, here are a few Red Cross-themed costumes I’d recommend.
If you’re like most people, when you step onto an elevator full of strangers you keep to yourself.
Guest blogger Erin talks about her family’s fire drill for Fire Prevention Month.
I’m curious – what led you to the Red Cross? What inspired you to become a part of the organization the first time around? What inspired you to return to the organization after time away?
Howdy! I can’t even begin to express how excited I am to be here today, introducing myself to you. My name is Erin Ferris, and I am a life-long Red …