More than 100 years ago on February 15, the USS Maine exploded in Cuba’s Havana Harbor. The explosion, resulting in over 200 deaths, served as a catalyst for the Spanish …

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies than 100 years ago on February 15, the USS Maine exploded in Cuba’s Havana Harbor. The explosion, resulting in over 200 deaths, served as a catalyst for the Spanish …
When the United States officially entered the Great War on April 6, 1917, it had been raging in Europe since the summer of 1914. Bound by its government charter to …
The tradition of ‘March is Red Cross Month’ started in 1943, during World War II. Prior to designating March as its official fundraising month, the American Red Cross conducted campaigns …
Just recently, the Red Cross history team toured the restored Clara Barton’s Office of Missing Soldiers at No. 9, 437½ 7th Street. The office is located in a former Washington, …
In November 1942, at Daytona Beach, Florida, selected members of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) stationed at the 2ndTrainingCenter were appointed to the Life Guard Corps to guard the …
Red Cross field directors and hospital recreation staff arrived in Normandy soon after the June 6, 1944, invasion, but on July 16, the much-anticipated Red Cross clubmobiles landed. Featured here …
Since Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross in 1881, women have played an important part in advancing the organization’s programs and services. As we close out Women’s History month, …
It’s Women’s History Month! And to commemorate it, the Red Cross archives will feature images from the collection portraying women and their diverse roles in the organization. Since the founding …
It’s Women’s History Month! And to commemorate it, throughout the month the archives will feature images from the collection portraying women and their diverse roles in the organization. Since the …
MARCH is RED CROSS MONTH The tradition of March is Red Cross month started in 1943 during World War II. Prior to that, the Red Cross ran Roll Call campaigns. …