We had more than 70 shelters open last night because of the winter blizzard.

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies https://royalreelspokies.live/We had more than 70 shelters open last night because of the winter blizzard.
If you use Twitter, be sure to follow the #blizzard hashtag for news and updates and to use the #Imprepared hashtag to share how you got ready for this storm.
Our favorite chapter blog posts from this week.
Put your name on Piper’s paw pad and know that your Piper will bring comfort when he’s handed out to a child burned out of her home.
A few photos we’ve recently seen on Flickr.
Little Nicholas Turner was not expecting the celebration waiting for him at the Red Cross Jackson office where his mother went for assistance following a house fire.
Links we’ve noticed today: sources of fire, a CPR save, Haiti photos, and smoke alarms.
The money Americans gave after the earthquake literally kept hundreds of thousands of Haitians alive
The weather gurus say it’s about to be icy in places that aren’t used to ice.
Practical thinking, legs-only skills versus hands-only skills, resilience, and accidental dialing.