This week marks perhaps the rarest convergence of holidays ever: Thanksgivukkah! (For all my goys out there, Jewish holidays change annually based on the Jewish calendar. Hanukkah is celebrated on …

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies week marks perhaps the rarest convergence of holidays ever: Thanksgivukkah! (For all my goys out there, Jewish holidays change annually based on the Jewish calendar. Hanukkah is celebrated on …
This is a message the Red Cross received from New Jersey military spouse and mother of three, Leslie Guenther. You can see her blog, MommyCombatTeam, to learn more about her family …
In November 1941, the American Red Cross, the United Service Organizations (USO) and the American Library Association (ALA) formed the Victory Book Campaign (originally named the National Defense Book Campaign). …
This post was written by Liz Fielden, who is in the Red Cross Services to the Armed Forces department at the National Headquarters in DC. Her focus is in mental …
2016 Update: Thank you for your interest in our Holiday Mail for Heroes program. This year the program has transitioned to Holidays for Heroes, where local Red Cross offices can identify …
As the leaves turn and school is in full swing, we’d like to take the time to reflect on the contributions of our youth volunteers. We were lucky enough to have …
This post was written by Liz Fielden, who is in the Red Cross Services to the Armed Forces department at the National Headquarters in DC. Her focus is in mental health …
This post is from Red Cross Volunteer, Cheryl Searcy I’ve been with the American Red Cross for twenty-two years; I started in Blood Services and then moved to disaster response. …
As a Red Cross military services employee and a reality TV junkie, I was pumped when my two worlds collided during this week’s episode of “Catfish.” No- “Catfish” isn’t a …
This post was written by Elizabeth Cottle, who works for the Red Cross Alabama Central Gulf Coast region as an Apheresis Donor Recruiter as well as at blood drives. In …