This blog post was written by Wendy Brightman, a Red Cross volunteer who deployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina to assist with cash distribution to families recovering from heavy flooding that …
Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies to the First “Centennial” Swimmers
This post was written by Connie Harvey, Director, Aquatics Centennial Initiatives. As a water safety instructor, nothing makes my day more than seeing a child who used to be afraid of …
Fall Favorites in the New Season
It’s the first day of fall in 2014, and even if you’re sad the temperature is dropping, there are still plenty of reasons to celebrate. Here are some things we’re …
Nilda’s Story: Sickle Cell Awareness Month
You might only think about car accidents or other horrific incidents when blood is used, but maintaining a diverse blood supply is important to help meet the needs of all hospital …
Living in the Unknown
I was devastated when I learned about the outbreak of the King Fire and the mind blowing increase in size. I grew up in Pollock Pines and Placerville, CA, so …