Why zombie fascination is so alive [Stanford News] The ERV Was the Word [Chicago Tribune] Obligatory Harlem Shake video from a Red Cross college club [YouTube] Take the Human Test …
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Avian Flu hits Pawnee! Well, not really, but this week’s “Parks and Rec” was a pretty good overview of what community disaster drills look like. Yes, in many community disaster …
Superbowl: Bagram Style
Everyone has their own memories of the Superbowl. Personally, the ones I remember most are my dad explaining the wardrobe malfunction to my little sisters in 2004 and living in Wisconsin when …
Betcha Never Thought About Preparing for Meteors
Today’s news about a meteor falling in Russia, injuring hundreds of people, might be the most bizarre headline to wake up to this morning. The video below seems like something …
The View from Gallery 3, Row B, Seat 1
Although you likely didn’t see me, I had the honor of attending the State of the Union speech on Tuesday night as one of several guests invited by House Speaker …