Sure, we’re half a world away from home, but that didn’t keep us from spreading holiday cheer here in Afghanistan. Team 28 had the office decorated when we arrived …

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies, we’re half a world away from home, but that didn’t keep us from spreading holiday cheer here in Afghanistan. Team 28 had the office decorated when we arrived …
The bunker and sandbags near our b-huts Once we were on the ground in Afghanistan we waddled off the plane in our IOTV, helmets, and backpacks (easily an extra 50 …
After a week of briefings, medical exams, and deployment paperwork at the CRC (CONUS Replacement Center) at Ft. Benning, we were ready to fly! They didn’t tell us exactly when …
After settling in at the CRC (CONUS Replacement Center) at Ft. Benning, we prepared ourselves for the week to come. Each day, the schedule was be posted outside the main …
After a flat tire, snow, and alarms going off in the airport terminal, I finally boarded the plane! Who knew making a simple flight to Atlanta could get so interesting? …
You’re going where? Afghanistan. To do what? Work at our Service to the Armed Forces office on Bagram Air Field. For how long? About 5 months They make uniforms in …