[Video] Last Friday, a sudden storm hit Port-au-Prince and destroyed a number of emergency shelters.

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies https://royalreelspokies.live/[Video] Last Friday, a sudden storm hit Port-au-Prince and destroyed a number of emergency shelters.
Well, it’s official…”Hood To Coast” is complete and Francisco made the final cut! What’s more, the fine film folks were nice enough to put together a short clip that highlights Kathy’s story and our efforts to get more people trained in CPR. Check it out!
We’re offering a friendly reminder to take a couple of simple steps today to prepare you and your family.
Things to know about our response to the San Bruno, CA fire.
The Bay Area chapter is responding to the fire that started in San Bruno, CA, last night.
This is a post written by Jackie Mitchell, Director of Marketing and Communications at the American Red Cross of Greater Chicago. Jackie was deployed to Cape Cod in advance of …
Find out how your American Red Cross is making news today.
Latest NOAA Advisory for Hurricane Earl, social web resources
Christophe Lobry-Boulanger from the American Red Cross has been deployed to work on the floods in Pakistan and is posting at the New York Chapter’s blog.
Lots of people are talking about the Emergency Social Data Summit we’re hosting tomorrow. Remember you can participate online.