The weather gurus say it’s about to be icy in places that aren’t used to ice.

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies weather gurus say it’s about to be icy in places that aren’t used to ice.
We are providing tips in Haitian Creole for cholera prevention and care as well as preparedness tips for Tomas, a storm expected to make landfall in Haiti on Friday.
As we monitor the track of Hurricane Earl, we urge everyone to take steps to prepare their families and homes for a disaster.
It’s hard for any of us to be cool this week. You know, because of the heat wave. Here are some tips to help you try.
We try to let you in on exactly what we’re up to at all times, especially during times of disaster. The short videos below will give you a glimpse of how we’ve prepared for Hurricane Alex.
Earthquakes are shaking California today – the strongest in Baja measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale. Early reports indicate there aren’t substantial injuries or damages. Here’s our quick reference guide …
A Tsunami warning is in effect for Hawaii. Expected landfall is about 11am local time (4pm ET). You can follow the Hawaii Red Cross chapter on Twitter: Registering with …