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Your Yearly Calendar: Red Cross Tips and Reminders

On one hand, I really enjoy keeping my household updated on safety checks and preparedness items. On the other, I’m admittedly really, really bad at remembering to do everything. I depend on an assortment of online tools to keep most of my life together, so why not add on a nice calendar to remind me about things like checking my smoke alarm and cycling items out of my survival kit?

To stay on track without having to come back to this post, use our public Google Calendar or print this nifty pdf for your own list to stick on the fridge.

Every month

  • Test smoke alarm batteries

Every three months

Every 56 days

  • Donate blood (see redcrossblood.org for additional qualifications and information. Calendar reminder quarterly) Note: Blood (whole blood) can be donated every 56 days. Platelets can be donated every 7 days, up to 24 times per year.

Twice a year

  • Practice your home fire family escape plan.
  • Turn and Test! Test/replace smoke alarm batteries and turn your clocks an hour ahead or behind.
  • Check and restock if needed your emergency kit’s food, water and medicine supply.

Every two years

  • Take a First Aid/CPR/AED course to keep your certification current (calendar reminder yearly)

Every 10 years

  • Replace smoke alarms 

 View the Google Calendar | Download the iCAL file | Printable List

(Click the Google Calendar button  – Google Calendar Icon – at the bottom of the embedded calendar below to open this up in your own Google Calendar list. It should show up in the list of “Other calendars”)