1 minute readBlood, Military Support
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Two Heartwarming Stories Every Family Should Read

Our team has the privilege of reading stories of lives the American Red Cross community has touched. But stories with kids make us especially proud of the work we do.

Here are two news stories of hope, love and family.

A transfusion that finally came

A boy named Grant in Delaware County, Ohio, faced something that no one wants to bear: A cancer diagnosis. His mom, Carol, shared his story with NBC4 about her son being a blood and platelet recipient, and recounted a dreadful moment in his treatment process.

…the gift of blood was a lifesaver. Carol says she will never forget the day she was told there was a shortage of blood at the hospital. “That was a very scary moment,” she said. Grant spent hours waiting for a transfusion. That transfusion finally came.

The article notes Grant has been cancer-free for nine months, and his mom said “she had blood donors to thank.”

>> Red Cross Tip: Did you know we’re in an emergency blood shortage? Blood donations are leaving the shelves faster than we can replace them. And platelets, often used for cancer patients, only have a five day shelf life. Here’s where you can find an opportunity to donate.

A chance to meet a new daughter

Cameron Bean was serving his country as a Navy Seabee in Guam when his daughter, Audrey, was born. He was still deployed when Audrey got sick and spent time in the hospital.  His family contacted the Red Cross, activated an emergency communication message using our Hero Care Network and was able to bring Cameron home. WTVC in Chattanooga, Tennessee reports he has two precious weeks to spend with his wife and daughter before he returns to duty. About his chance to come home, Cameron said:

“Honestly, probably the greatest blessing of my life.”

>> Red Cross Tip: If you know anyone in the military, make sure they download our Hero Care app to send Emergency Communication messages or get other types of help.