Today, the stars are aligned. At the Red Cross, we are fortunate to work with our celebrity donors and volunteers, as well as many television and film partners. Each day, …

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies, the stars are aligned. At the Red Cross, we are fortunate to work with our celebrity donors and volunteers, as well as many television and film partners. Each day, …
I donated blood for the first time as a 17-year-old junior in high school. The American Red Cross visited my school regularly – we had more than 2,000 students, which …
Satellite view of California Wildfire smoke over the ocean [Gawker] Hurricane Sandy, 6 months later [The Big Picture] Grandma gave her wedding ring to the Red Cross [Nancy Jo] Designing …
We come across a lot of little jokes and quotes describing the Red Cross – We thought we’d share some of the more memorable ones with you: Q: What do …
This story comes to us from one of our blood drive volunteers, Kim Elizabeth Manning, who is willing to do just about anything to make our blood donors feel welcome …
At the end of February I donated blood for the first time in a couple of years. I arrived home with a bandage on my arm and a heart-shaped sticker …
Practice Makes Perfect! [Oregon Trail Red Cross] Now I know it’s more than just blood (Southeastern Michigan Red Cross] 3 year old boy donates [Northeast Indiana Red Cross] Supermodel Niki …
I’m not a big fan of Valentine’s Day, at least in the tradition sense. With the holiday comes a tremendous amount of pressure to speak the most romantic phrase that’s …
A small collection of the Instagram selfies we’ve seen in the past day by blood donors. Keep em coming and use #redcross so we can see your good deed. Donate today …