Pedro the penguin loves to learn how to be prepared and take action during emergencies. He visits friends in different locations and learns how to help stay safe from hazards like home fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and many …

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies the penguin loves to learn how to be prepared and take action during emergencies. He visits friends in different locations and learns how to help stay safe from hazards like home fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and many …
More time at home during the coronavirus pandemic has led to many of us to bake and cook more in the kitchen, from the classic COVID-19 sourdough bread to …
With 2019 coming to a close, we’d like to share some of our favorite stories from the year that highlight our services, the dedication of our volunteers and employees, the …
Originally published on the Red Cross Western and Central New York blog. “The fire was very devastating. We lost pretty much everything,” Margaret Phillips said of the fire that ripped …
Originally published on A chance meeting on social media helped American Red Cross employee Guillermo Cornavaca help a family hundreds of miles away be better prepared for home fire-related emergencies. Cornavaca …
Every day, seven people die in home fires and we want to do everything we can to prevent these needless tragedies – that’s why we launched our Home Fire Campaign in 2014. As …
Each year, the Red Cross responds to an average of more than 60,000 disasters, and the majority of these are home fires. Although home fires are common, many fail to …
I am a 22-year-old quickly approaching college graduation in May. One would think my housemates and I are aptly prepared and educated about living independently in our first house – …
Originally appeared on The Smith family’s residence, located on the second floor of an apartment complex in Lawrenceville, felt like a warm, loving Georgia home. Holiday stockings had already …