Set your DVR – our very own Hiro (aka Red Cross hero) Masi Oka will be on The Bonnie Hunt show tomorrow. Check your local listings to see in your …

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies your DVR – our very own Hiro (aka Red Cross hero) Masi Oka will be on The Bonnie Hunt show tomorrow. Check your local listings to see in your …
Heroes All (1920), a movie created by the Red Cross Bureau of Pictures, was just added to the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress, right along with Michael Jackson’s Thriller and The Muppet Movie!
Below is a tiny Twitter snapshot of what your American Red Cross is up to around the country today.
Seen on Flickr: I followed through on my 2009 resolution to donate blood to the American Red Cross every 56 days. This is the first resolution I have ever stuck …
Update 10/14/10: The Holiday Mail for Heroes program is back for 2010 – please CLICK HERE for the latest information. Thank you! Error happened.