This Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for all of you who have donated blood or platelets to help save lives over the years. Here are a few former patients and their families …

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for all of you who have donated blood or platelets to help save lives over the years. Here are a few former patients and their families …
Kelly Griswold is a 22-year-old college student who hopes to graduate from the University of Missouri, pass her certified public accountant exam and become an accountant in the next year. …
I’m just going to come out and say what I sometimes feel I’m generally judged for. I’m a millennial! I text while I walk; I Snapchat a selfie; I express …
For the most part, I spend my days on the go with nary a free minute to stop and think, at least not about anything except what I’m doing at …
I’ve been working at the American Red Cross for nine months and 15 days, and during those nine months and 15 days, I’ve adamantly told myself I’m going to give …
This story comes to us from one of our blood drive volunteers, Kim Elizabeth Manning, who is willing to do just about anything to make our blood donors feel welcome …
If you’re hesitant, or know someone who is hesitant about giving blood, see what some veteran blood donors from Washington, DC have to say about the process.
Answer: Thursday, December 16.
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A short time after the earthquake yesterday our International team in Washington DC was able to make contact with the head of our Haiti delegation via Skype.