Similar Red Cross moments separated by 63 years.
Tag: haiti
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Once out of the rubble, Jordanie was brought to the hospital where doctors were forced to remove his right leg. And while Jordanie never lost faith he would walk again, the leg that he has received has allowed him to get back to normal. “I can kick a soccer ball again, and walk,” he explained, “it’s a wonderful thing.”
The biggest concerns are…
You can hear American Red Cross worker Matt Marek discussing Haiti, cholera, Tomas, and reconstruction on NPR today.
Hurricane Tomas
We are extremely concerned about the potential impact of Tropical Storm Tomas.
Tips for Tomas on Twitter
We are providing tips in Haitian Creole for cholera prevention and care as well as preparedness tips for Tomas, a storm expected to make landfall in Haiti on Friday.
Blog Action Day: Gaining Perspective on Water
Today is Blog Action Day 2010, and the theme this year is water. The basic need for clean water is patently obvious, but many of us who live in highly developed parts of the world take our access to clean water for granted. Read more about how Haiti and the Red Cross response helped provide some perspective on water needs worldwide.
Sudden Storm Hits Haiti
[Video] Last Friday, a sudden storm hit Port-au-Prince and destroyed a number of emergency shelters.
In the News
Find out how your American Red Cross is making news today.
What We’re Reading
From WWI era photographs to cutting edge SMS alert projects; from fire tornadoes to Swedish folk music, here’s what we’re checking out online today.
ONE Campaign
You can help Haiti by joining the ONE Campaign in calling on Congress to release funds for reconstruction. Sign the petition!