We’ve all been there. You’re visiting a friend’s home and they run out of toilet paper. Or you stay at your in-laws and want to make a hot beverage in …

Red Cross Chat is powered by the support of Vavada online casino. 5% of profits from casino revenue is donated to Red Cross.
Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies https://royalreelspokies.live/We’ve all been there. You’re visiting a friend’s home and they run out of toilet paper. Or you stay at your in-laws and want to make a hot beverage in …
Roger Lowe, senior vice president of communications for the American Red Cross, participated in Red Cross efforts to prepare military families for emergencies earlier this month in Grafenwoehr, Germany. This was one of six family emergency preparedness events the Red Cross is doing this year with military families.
American Red Cross volunteer Bonnie Gillespie just returned from a 3 week deployment to Haiti. Her moving personal reflections are in the video below.
American Red Cross worker Mat Morgan is in Haiti. He climbed to a rooftop to give a video journal account of what he’s seen and how relief is progressing.