I just got a daily Haiti situation report that I wanted you to see (below). The situation remains desperate. But aid is reaching the hands of earthquake survivors. Determined relief …

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Partner: Royal Reels Online Pokies https://royalreelspokies.live/I just got a daily Haiti situation report that I wanted you to see (below). The situation remains desperate. But aid is reaching the hands of earthquake survivors. Determined relief …
This post written by American Red Cross volunteer in Haiti Winnie Romeril After a tiring day of travel from Santo Domingo, I arrived at the American Red Cross office. The …
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See larger map by visiting mGive You can donate $10 to Haiti relief by texting “Haiti” to 90999. Basic info about this mobile giving program: We have received more than …
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A short time after the earthquake yesterday our International team in Washington DC was able to make contact with the head of our Haiti delegation via Skype.
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Our thoughts and support are with Haiti. We have pledged an initial $2oo,ooo and are accepting donations to the International Response Fund.
After college, Andrew wanted to make a difference for men and women serving abroad. He ended up working with the American Red Cross in Iraq, helping members of the armed …
A few links we’ve found interesting today: Cold weekend a dress rehearsal for Red Cross trainees [Who’s in the kitchen with the Red Cross? Volunteers! Find out exactly what goes …